雅思考試官方微社區發布時間:03-1912:09陽春3月,春暖花開,中國迎來了疫情防控形勢持續向好,但國內外仍有許多不確定性。作為雅思考試的主辦方,英國文化教育協會始終將廣大考生的安全和健康放在首位,持續提供“以人為本”的考試服務:積極和全球雅思考試認可的院校和機構溝通爭取他們的理解和支持,積極與相關政府和教育部門溝通爭取盡早明確考試安排,復考后通過增加考位場次等舉措盡己所能地滿足廣大考生的考試需求,并持續提供免費優質的備考資源。而現在,在這場戰“疫”最關鍵的時刻,呼吁大家再堅持一下!同時,我們會每周為你們提供更多有效的學習資源,幫助大家在家高效安心備考最近,眾烤鴨反應,雅思備考出現了一些新難處,主要矛盾如下:沒有deadline就沒有生產力,缺乏小伙伴就缺乏催化劑,專業點撥無處找,滿頭疑問無人答。了解了大家的困難,我們也出品了一系列官方資源,幫助大家適應在家期間的備考新常態。上一周送給大家的“雅思自學指導手冊”,幫助小白烤鴨四周晉級考場達人,而這次,我們搜集了最近烤鴨們有關備考和英語學習的困惑,并請出了雅思官方的英語教學專家們,總結了這份“宅家學霸修煉指南”,無論你現在的水平處于哪個level,都能助你解決疑問,制定最高效的居家備考方針。今天帶來的是聽力和閱讀相關的tips,小本本拿出來吧!Listening Tips聽力技巧1.Set a realistic goal for yourself and do not aim for shortcuts. Don’t expect to progress from low-level to high-level overnight! Like all skills, becoming proficient in a language takes a lot of time and effort. However, there are many useful strategies you can take:根據自身情況設立符合實際的目標,切忌盲目尋求捷徑。不要幻想在一夜之間取得突飛猛進的進步!學習英語和學習其它技能一樣,需要付出大量的時間和精力才能熟練掌握。不過,有些學習策略可以助你一臂之力:2. Create a listening routine and stick to it:制定日常聽力練習計劃并堅持下去:a) Listen to something different every day. For example, on Monday – listen to a podcast, on Tuesday – listen to 15 minutes of a news program, on Wednesday – listen to asong, and so on.每天選擇不同的練習材料。例如,周一聽英文播客,周二聽15分鐘的新聞,周三則可以聽英文歌曲,以此類推。b) Listen to something which interests you!選擇自己感興趣的練習材料!c) Choose different sources, like elllo.org. A variety of accents and dialects will help you understand better spoken English from around the world.通過多種不同的渠道(如elllo.org)獲取聽力資源。了解各種各樣的口音和方言有助于你更好地理解世界各地的英語口語。d) Choose listening materials which fit your level. If you can understand <50% and >90% of the audio, then it is not for you as it is either too easy or too difficult. TED talks (www.ted.comtalks) are a great way to practice academic listening.選擇適合自己英語水平的聽力材料。如果你對自己選擇的聽力材料能聽懂不到50%或者超過90%,那就說明此材料過于簡單或者難度過大,不適合用作聽力練習材料。TED演講(www.ted.comtalks) 非常適合用來練習學術英語聽力。e) Do it when you are most productive during the day – are you a morning or an evening person?選擇一天中效率最高的時候練習聽力——你是“早起鳥”還是“夜貓子”呢?f) Plan your listening activities and cross them off once you’ve completed them.按計劃進行聽力練習,每完成一項便劃去一項。g) Listen to something a few times; change the speed.一段材料反復多聽幾次,也可做變速練習。(圖片來自網絡)3. Focus on the overall message and do not get frustrated about detail.重點抓住材料大意,不要過于糾結細節信息。4. Take notes while you’re listening and go back to discover what expressions or clues in the audio helped you understand the message.聽的過程中注意做筆記,聽完后回顧材料中有助于理解信息的表達方式或相關線索。5. Don’t worry too much about unfamiliar words; if you hear something which is repeated in different sources, look it up in the dictionary and study it.無需過于擔心生疏詞匯。如果在不同材料中多次聽到某個單詞,可以查閱詞典學習。6. Call a friend and discuss issues in English for a set time period (for example, 10 minutes).給朋友打電話,在規定時間內(比如10分鐘)用英語討論問題。7. Try to guess questions you haven’t answered. This is especially important for “yes”, “no” or “don’t know” questions as the chance of you getting the right answer by chance is pretty high!針對尚未答出的問題試著猜測答案,尤其是“是”、“否”或“未提及”類的問題,因為這類問題猜對答案的概率非常高!(圖片來自網絡)8.Before each section you are given time to read the questions. Use this time sensibly and read the questions carefully but not too slowly or the recording will start before you have finished reading.每一部分聽力開始之前,考生都會有一定的時間來閱讀問題。合理利用這段時間,仔細閱讀問題,但要注意速度不能太慢,以免錄音開始前來不及看完所有問題。9. Be sure to answer with the correct number of words. If the question asks for two or three words, don’t use four or five.注意按照字數要求回答問題。如果題干要求用兩三個單詞回答,那就不要用四五個單詞。10. Write clearly. If the examiner cannot ready our writing, then you will get no marks. If you think your writing is bad, use capital letters.書寫整潔、卷面清晰。如果字跡潦草,考官無法辨認,那么你將無法得分。如果你對自己的書寫沒有信心,可選擇用大寫字母來拼寫單詞。11.During the transferring time first make sure you have transferred all the questions you have answered legibly (easy to read) and in the correct space. Then go back, review and try to answer the ones you haven’t. Make an educated guess, as your aim should be to have an answer sheet with no blank spaces.謄寫答案時,首先要確保將所有答案全部清晰地謄寫到答題卡上的相應位置,然后再回去檢查并回答之前未完成的題目,合理推測答案,保證答題卡上沒有問題空著不答。Reading Tips閱讀技巧1.Choose a variety of texts and combine reading for studying with reading for pleasure.涉獵各類英文文章,在閱讀過程中寓學于樂。(圖片來自網絡)2. Spend 20-30 minutes every day reading different texts: newspaper articles, blogs, books, textbook activities. 每天花20-30分鐘閱讀不同類型的文章,如報紙刊文、博客、書籍、教材練習等。3. Improve your vocabulary by looking up common words (words you hear a lot) in the dictionary.通過英文詞典查閱常見詞匯(經常聽到的單詞),擴大詞匯量。4. Try different techniques while reading: skim and scan the text quickly, answer questions in detail, summarise the main idea(s).嘗試不同的閱讀技巧:快速略讀、瀏覽文章,詳細回答問題,總結文章主旨大意。5. Choose topics of interest but also try to read texts on various topicsas IELTS chooses subjects from many fields.可以選擇自己感興趣的閱讀材料,同時也要廣泛閱讀不同主題的文章,因為雅思考試的選題范圍非常廣。6. Discuss some interesting texts with your friends and exchange ideas in English.就一些趣味十足的文章內容和朋友進行討論,并用英語交流各自的觀點。7. Read for speed. Set a timer and try to read a text within the time limit (e.g., 5 mins). Check your understanding. Reduce the time limit as you improve and get faster (e.g.,from 5 mins to 4 mins to 3 mins).注意提高閱讀速度。用計時器定時,盡量在規定時間內(如5分鐘)讀完一篇文章,并檢查自己的理解是否正確。隨著閱讀能力不斷提升,逐漸縮短閱讀時限,以提高自己的閱讀速度(例如從5分鐘逐漸縮短為4分鐘、3分鐘)。8. Read aloud with your friends or even by yourself. You could record yourself if you wish. Listen to how you sound. This will help with your fluency and pronunciation. It will also build your self-confidence.獨自或者和朋友一起大聲朗讀文章,可以邊朗讀邊錄音,然后通過聽錄音檢查并提升自己的流利度和發音,這樣也有助于你增強自信心。(圖片來自網絡)9. Familiarise yourself with the style of the exam and how long each part takes. You need to develop skills to answer each type of question in the reading examination. Questions could take the form of any of the following:熟悉考試風格以及各部分所需要花費的時間。你需要培養相關答題技巧,以便熟練回答閱讀部分的各類題型。雅思閱讀考試可能會包含以下題型:Multiple choice 選擇題Short answer questions 簡答題Sentence completion questions 填空題Notes table form summary flow chartdiagram completion questions完成筆記、總結、表格或流程圖Yes, no, not given or True, false, not given “是”、“否”、“未提及”類或者“對”、“錯”、“未提及”類的問題Classification questions 分類題Matching 配對題Choosing headings 為段落或文章的部分選擇相對應的小標題Scanning & identifying location of information 瀏覽文本并確定信息位置Labelling a diagram which has numbered parts 對圖表進行標記There are many IELTS Practice tests available, which provide examples of the above(www.ielts-exam.netielts_reading). Do as many practice tests as you can to get used to the rubric and the task types.雅思考試提供諸多模擬試題(點擊這里獲取 www.ielts-exam.netielts_reading),內含上述各類題型。你可已充分利用模擬試題多加練習,以熟悉考試規則和考查題型。相關搜索雅思聽力技巧雅思官網雅思聽力題型雅思聽力評分標準雅思閱讀評分標準備考的英文
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